Archive for January, 2007

How to make the Robot dance

Saturday, January 6th, 2007


What do you need to remote-control one of those cool robots that you see nowadays in the shops?! Well you can use the remote that usually comes with them, or you can use your voice and a Wii remote!

All you need is a Robosapiens robot and the Robodance software. Here you can see a video of what the basic principle is, what you have to do is talk & use the Wii remote to control the movement of the robot. You can use drag and drop scripts and other interesting stuff given the fact that the Robodance software is open source and actually a SourceForge project. More insight you can get watching the video but I find it cool as a idea that you can control the little robot using your voice and the Wii controller that I happen to love!

Regarding that, there will be some interesting stuff regarding remote-controlled robots later on when you will see how you can keep an eye on your dog back home when you’re still at the office.

Microsoft’s staff in 1978

Friday, January 5th, 2007

Microsoft Staff 1978

That is a photo taken on December 7th, 1978 and it represents the Microsoft staff. In case you’re wondering, Bill Gates is located in the lower left corner of the picture. The rest of them are as it follows, left to right.

Top row: Steve Wood, Bob Wallace, Jim Lane.
Middle row: Bob O’Rear, Bob Greenberg, Marc McDonald, Gordon Letwin.
Bottom row: Bill Gates, Andrea Lewis, Marla Wood, Paul Allen.

Who would have thought those geek-ish people would help Microsoft become the great corporation it is today?

Beautiful high resolution wallpapers for every personality

Wednesday, January 3rd, 2007


I strongly believe in computer personalization. Tag your computer to reflect your personality and your attitude. Since the first thing you see when you turn on your computer is your desktop, start with a nice, beautiful high-resolution wallpaper.

Personally I’ve been always having issues in finding a decent wallpaper via any search engine, especially when I bought a 21″ LCD and I was using a 1600×1200 screen resolution. Therefore, I took the liberty of browsing the web and gathered a few websites that just WORTH adding to your search list when looking for a trendy wallpaper.

Gmail storage space stops growing

Tuesday, January 2nd, 2007


As some of you might have noticed the storage space for Gmail stopped increasing since January 1st 2007. In April 2005 Google made the leap from 1G to 2G and the growth never stopped since then. As those who watch carefully stated the storage quota increased with about 0.33 MB a day ever since.

It’s said that the sudden stop occurred due to the omission of the code that increase the storage quota after 31 December 2006. This might be true for we know Google to be quite lavish with storage space but it remains to be seen how quick will the problem be solved and how much is the storage limit going to increase after all.

How interactive can a video game get?

Monday, January 1st, 2007


I’ve asked myself that question after watching a report on the damages caused by Nintendo Wii’s straps, but that’s not important. Have you noticed that the arcade games and consoles tend to get more user interactive as time passes? I believe that’s a good thing since people like you and me will rise our butts from the comfy chair and move in order to play. It all started on the old Nintendo consoles when you were going Duck hunting or shooting people in the Wild West. You were carrying a gun that you were pointing to the TV in order to reach the goal. How many of you still remember that? Those were the early years.